It’s not WHAT you teach, it’s HOW they learn.

Jodee Gibson

Keynote Speaker & Master Coach

Human Behavior Expert

Limited Dates Available

Learning doesn't have to be hard.
We have a solution.

We help leaders (just like you) understand the space between instruction and performance, creating an environment where your learners outperform their competition.

Our philosophy is

You're the expert in your field.

Whether it's athletics, education, healthcare or leadership...
WHAT you are teaching and your knowledge of the field is your expertise, yet 
HOW people learn it and how they utilize your instructions - is our expertise.

Oftentimes we teach from an unconscious space, unknowingly leaving the learner confused and disconnected from our intended message. 


Our biopsychosocial approach is cutting edge and based on ongoing research. 

Tell Me More...

Although kids are not our primary focus, one thing we know for sure is, the majority of the challenges that most people face today often leads back to their childhood experiences. What holds people back is not who they are today, yet the limited version of themselves they remember being yesterday. Creating early awareness for parents, educators, healthcare and leadership around these spaces is our goal. 

Healing Your Map

Jodee's first book, Healing Your Map - released in November, 2022 earned a 
2023 IPPY Silver Medal for psychology/mental health.
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

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We don't know what we don't know.

Leading is an honor. Leading from a healed space is how legends are born.