What is NLP?

So often I get the question, what is NLP...allow me to indulge you.

NLP stands for neuro linguistic programming and was created in the late 1970's by Dr Richard Bandler and Dr John Grinder. Back in the early days, Bandler was a mathematician and Grinder was a linguist. They set out initially trying to uncover why some of the well known experts were successful with some clients yet not with all of them. Collectively, they studied the work of the then forerunners, Milton Erickson, Virgina Satire and Fritz Pearls. 

Bander's brain, as he watched, listened and observed both the client and the expert, picked everything up in patterns. Over time, he created nearly predictable mathematical equations for the behavioral responses that emanated from those patterns. He understood the collective research and found an immense amount of patterns that created the now foundation of NLP, the Meta Model.

Grinder, the linguist, quickly distinguished that language was a fluid space....

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